Crotalo Sesamo's Videos
“The spiritual world is inhabited by two species.
Those who seekand those who find.”
– Falco Tarassacco
Esoteric Secrets, Module 1
A 12-week Course with Crotalo Sesamo

Crótalo Sésamo (Alessandro Zattoni) was born in Turin (Italy) in 1970 and has lived in the Federation of Damanhur for more than 28 years as a spiritual researcher, Spiritual Healer, and builder of the Temple.
As a director from 1991-1995, he helped form the Damanhur Center in Turin and from 1996-2010 he created and was CEO of both the Damanhur Welcome Center and the Olami University at Damanhur, which organizes visits, seminars, and educational programs that are enjoyed by thousands of guests from around the globe who visit The Federation and the Temples of Humankind every year.
Each 90 minute zoom video presentation include a lecture, questions, and a meditation experience. The themes presented over 12 weeks include:
The Birth of the Universe and the Myth of the Mirror
The Structure of the Soul and its Mission
Falco, Damanhur & Temples of Humankind
A New Timeline – The New Future We Are Living and Creating
The Ancient and Extraterrestrial History of Humankind and of Atlantis
Synchronicity and Synchronic Lines
Distance Healing – How Does it Work?
Selfica – Art and Technology for the future
Time Travel
Your Inner Senses – Your Hidden Treasures
The New Form of the Grail
Dimensions of the Astral realm
If Crotalo is offering these courses live, here is where you would find the zoom ID and password.