Demystifying the Spirit World 2 (Recorded)
Let's dive into the mysterious world of entities. Entities are all energetic beings around us, spirits, ghosts, angels, demons, earth spirits, etc. Understanding them and their world can be a huge gift.
In this class we will cover:
- Portals
- Ancestors
- Curses
- Walk-ins
- Black Magick
Gosia Lorenz is a world-renowned teacher, highly trained in all aspects of the spirit world. She specializes in the unseen, being able to detect entities connected to portals, old contracts unfulfilled, past lives, galactic influences and more. This is her wheelhouse and the first person I go to when I can't figure out what is going on. She not only can see the big picture, but she is also able to give you tools to empower your movement forward. What once seemed scary will quickly become another piece of the puzzle to help you move forward.
Time: 2 hours