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Reiki, Level 1

Reiki, Level 1


If you have ever wanted to be a healer, this is the most comprehensive, profound and easy to learn modality available. Reiki is one of the most beautiful healing modalities available and it’s also one of the simplest to learn.


Reiki is the considered to be one of the most powerful energy healing systems around, and is now widely recognized in the West. Reiki has the power to clear negative thoughts and habitual patterns. It is pure, straight to the point and penetrates right to the core.


This is a great modality for those lacking passion in life, lacking desire, feeling like they are not in alignment with their purpose, or just plain stuck in a rut – it awakens the desire to create  and manifest here in the physical. Learning Reiki level 1 is the first step to becoming an EnSofic Ray practitioner, below is what will be covered:


  • The 5 principles of Mikao Usui
  • How to generate Reiki energy
  • How to do a self-treatment that you can utilize anytime
  • How to do a Reiki treatment for a client
  • The first symbol which is part of the powerful Reiki healing system
  • Increase your spiritual connection and intuition every time you flow the energy
  • Gently releases old wounds and assists you in navigating life with clarity and wisdom


The price of the class does not include materials.  These must be purchased before the class.

This class will be held 10am to 5pm PST.


Trine C. Jensen is a certified teacher, healer and coach, and has traveled extensively studying multiple traditions of healing, meditation, shamanism and the performing arts. She teaches Usui Reiki, EnSofic Reiki™ and the Max Meditation System™ and does Life-Activations, Crystal Healings, Egyptian Aura Clearing, EnSofic Ray™ and Reiki healing. She is a practicing Kabbalist trained in the Universal Kabbalah all through a local Mystery School. Trine’s more earthly credentials include being a Professional Certified Coach. She received her master’s degree from Pepperdine University in Organization Development, and she holds a BFA in Theatre and worked as a modern dancer, actor and Reiki master for 25 years.

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