Sacred Extension Classes, Package of 12 (Recorded)
SACRED is a system that aligns the layers of your energy field so that you able to manifest thoughts and intentions with greater ease and efficiency. Your field is set up to work for you in accomplishing your goals and fulfilling your life's purpose. In all my years of study, I have not encountered a system more powerful than this.
The Extension Classes cover 12 topics and use Sacred Geometric Shapes and Affirmations to activate encodings in a laminate infused with crystalline powder. These extension classes cover the following topics:
Administering Self-Healing
Aligning with Soul Purpose
Clearing Your Field
Empowered Manifestation
Enhancing Intuition
Living in Freedom
Maintaining Emotional Sovereignty
Managing Empathic Function
Mastering Your Subconscious
Telepathic Communication
Trusting Your Intuition
Upshifting Body Function
Instructor: Dr. Kimberlee Woods
Time: Each class is 90 minutes.
12 laminates are included with this package and will be mailed to the address provided.